Falling through the cracks, 2018, Hannah Quinlivan
Aluminum, rubber, yarn, 350.5 × 185.4 × 17.8 cm
Provenance: Flinders Lane Gallery, Melbourne.
Hannah Quinlivan is a young Australian artist exploring line and form, in forms of drawing, painting, wire installation and steel. She experiments with concepts and physicality to challenge how the audience expects the drawing to be perceived. Each aluminium or steel thread of wire Quinlivan uses to bend upon itself and weaves into others to create a tranquil and complex sculpture (1).
Artist Statement
Time is unfixed, flowing fickle, fluctuating. Temporal asymmetries cleave and splinter. Frozen, dripping, gushing, moments drift and rush. Turgidities turn turbulent, echoing the glacial groans and moans of collapsing time. Unevenly distributed duration unhinges the conditions of the everyday. Not just fast forward but also slow motion, time is out of joint, stretched thin like a membrane and compressed like wrinkled skin. Stress fractures and crumple zones contour the unnatural course of life, marking crisis and contradiction. Rhythmic dilation and compound acceleration, these are the conditions of still motion.